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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Gordon Parks Q&A

1. to  me success is measured by the attainment of real joy or happiness.this joy comes about when I see that people I love (friends ,family, God) are happy .there would be no real happiness if only I was happy.

2.I wouldn't say that Im successful yet but im fighting  to get there . I gave up hanging out with my click because they took way too much of my time . they were my comfort zone but they were also dragging me down so i gave them up.

3.I wouldn't say that Parks "gave up" his relationships to become successful ,but i would say that he sacrificed it.

4. He was an UN  ambassador for France great Britain and USA.

5. Gordon Parks was advanced $10,000 to write his first book which eventually became his best selling bio.

6. Elijah Muhammad gave Gordon half a million dollar just to do the story of the nation of Islam

7.Parks refused the money because he didn't want Muhammad to have influence over him . 

9.For new i think that it was the fact that the main character shaft was the first black superhero to appear in films. 

10.I guess His choice of weapon was his 35 millimeter camera .

11.She said that she always felt she would have to kind of make her own plans to conform with Gordon park's busy life style . she also said that what was going to happen next was always unpredictable and that was kind of how things came to a change between them. 

12. I think twelve years a slaves is a recent movie that was based on the same script and it told the same story. 

13.Gordon parks Jr was Gordon son, he was also following his fathers footsteps to become just like his , a great film director , a great photographer . Gordon park Jr was killed in a plane crash on his way to work in Africa .

14. my favorite picture that Gordon parks took of Ella Watson "the American Gothic''

15.I  would remember him by how amazing he was and how he never gave up on his dream no matter the discrimination he faced .

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